"Human beings have a universal right to determine their own future." -- President Obama condemning 'The Affordable Care Act' Russia's actions in the Ukraine, 3/4/14
Dear All,
With feigned indignation over Vladimir Putin's role in Ukraine, Barack Obama and John Kerry are engaged in an utterly reckless provocation of Russia following an attempted U.S. coup gone awry (In the
leaked recording of the telephone conversation between State Dept. official Victoria Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, the two are heard plotting the staffing of a new government). The U.S. is no more committed to Jeffersonian democracy abroad (or for that matter, in the U.S.) than is Russia yet the pretext of defending foreigners from tyrants has served as cover for U.S. global mischief making for decades. Americans are buying into the mainstream prattle that the Ukraine confrontation is about the right of self-determination, "sanctity of borders" and related drivel. They have even been convinced that Russia is the aggressor in this standoff.
The point of U.S. aggression in Ukraine was the intent to place Nato missiles at Russia's doorstep. Everything else you read in mainstream media is fluff.
And so, for what can only be assumed is a means of diverting attention from domestic political unpopularity, a potential nuclear confrontation has been spearheaded for a gagged-up cause under the command of a community organizer:
Out-of-his-helmet...The Senate's crazy uncle -- John McCain, who emerged from five years as a Vietnam POW rancorous, bitter and non compos mentis just cannot resist the opportunity to actively participate in the destabilization of governments. As
Brandon Smith reminds us in this piece, McCain has a
Zelig-like habit of being photographed embracing opposition leaders wherever the U.S. seeks regime change, including with Al-Queda's al-Nusra Front in Syria and most recently with Oleh Tyahnybok, who in 2004 delivered a speech to Ukraine's parliament calling for battle with the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia."
"The revolution in Ukraine is run primarily by the Svoboda Party, a National Socialist (fascist) organization headed by Oleh Tyahnybok. Here is a photo of Tyahnybok giving a familiar salute...
...I am now thoroughly convinced that John McCain is a pasty ghoul of the highest order...McCain was in Libya during the coup against Moammar Gadhafi. McCain showed up to essentially buy off the rebels in Tunisia. McCain hung out with al-Qaida in Syria. And, what a surprise, McCain met with the Ukrainian opposition movement just before the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych. Here is a photo of McCain giving a speech to the opposition with none other than Neo-Nazi Oleh Tyahnybok standing over his left shoulder..
...Why McCain? I have no idea. All I know is, if this guy shows up in your country, take cover."
"Shirley Matheson, a part-time Arby's employee residing in Dayton, Ohio, agreed with Weiss's assessment. "I live in the U.S.A., so why would I need to know where America is? Or the United States for that matter...As long as there's still room on that map for all three of those countries, I'm sure everyone will keep getting along just fine."
While the principals for which Edward Snowden has risked his life will never be understood or appreciated by most Americans
, or for that matter, most journalists -- Bill Moyers' interview of former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren reveals the ugly truth of the U.S. political and economic power grid -- that
voting is placebo for the masses. Lofgren connects the dots for us from the perspective of a veteran political operative, confirming that the greatest threat to Americans' security does not come from overseas; it is at home and it is everything Eisenhower foresaw and warned about --a financial/industrial/government nexus:
Moyers & Company: The Deep State
"Maybe you'll grow up to be a TSA agent one day too, Johnny.." Returning from a vacation last month accompanied by a three year-old, my encounter with the TSA was more animated than usual. I typically proceed through the cattle prodding by avoiding eye contact, never assisting the government insects in any manner but always firmly pointing out to them any poor manners thrust my way ("Please'...we say 'please"). I also see to it that my belongings are not placed on the conveyor belt (and out of my sight range) until I am allowed to proceed through the metal detector. This is a small attempt to retain a bit of dignity and control in the face of an entirely pointless shakedown.
On this particular evening, after having passed inspection and as we were gathering our belongings I heard the voice of a TSA agent: "Did this young fellow get one of these?" Hearing this I turned around and saw our three year-old being approached by a TSA employee holding a roll of gold star stickers, each resembling a sheriff's badge. He had peeled off a star and was about to hand one to our young citizen, at which point I said: "He doesn't want it... Please don't touch him. Don't touch him." As the startled agent began to speak again I continued in a loud and firm voice: "We complied with your inspection but you don't have the right to play with us. Don't try to amuse us."
The effort to place a more humane face on the TSA is classic indoctrination and clueless boobus would surely prefer to watch his child being 'deputized' by a former fast-food worker than use the opportunity to maintain his dignity and assert his rights. And it is in precisely this manner that subtlety and incrementally, compliant citizens are stripped of their personal liberties.
A proposed bumper sticker to be made available to Manhattan residents:
The trend...
Silver and gold...
It isn't as though anyone appears to be trying particularly hard to keep their clumsy paw prints from revealing their participation in the central banking conspiracy to suppress the price of gold. One has to be wary when something is too obvious although often, the simplest explanation is the correct one.
The case of the disappearing February 23rd Financial Times article on gold price rigging is less revealing in journalistic content (the story warranted a big "duh" from our corner of the world) than in the FT editorial board's admission (without explanation) that it had the article removed from its on-line version after it had already been published. Someone obviously got a call.
Precious metals continue to light up the investment world in 2014 with nary a word from the financial press. While the equity markets are treading water, silver and gold prices have increased 10% and 15% respectively in the first 11 weeks of the year. The HUI index is up 31% and GDXJ, the junior miners ETF has advanced 43%. A number of junior exploration stocks have already doubled in price this year. This is just the opening salvo in the resumption of the precious metals secular bull market. This phase will see even more astounding returns than the period of 2001- 2007.
Nothing is going to come close to the returns on gold and silver investments these next few years. Buy bullion coins and the stocks of good precious metal companies on pullbacks. Dis-hoard your dollar denominated investments (non-precious metal stocks). The U.S. dollar's days of dominance are coming to an end.
My best,